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Time frame for each parcel is indicated on the product page please allow 2-5 days for sending. On time Delivery Guarantee starts from when the parcel is sent - this is especially true for pre-orders or out of stock items. Certain countries are ineligible for Customs Guarantee. Check here. *Select products are ineligible for free shipping or returns where indicated. If your parcel arrived damaged please let us know.
Taxes included, along with our Piece of mind Guarantee:
On Time Delivery Guarantee*
Customs Guarantee*
60 Day Guarantee
The Duo Pack combines our shampoo/ conditioner bar and our soap.
✔️Perfect for a quick trip.✔️Lasts up to a week, depending on use. ✔️It´s sustainable.
Face, Hands & Hair.
- 1 - 2 weeks depending on use.
- 2 x 20g